Hello! I’ll try to keep this quick. Besides, you’ve probably looked at the About Page, which means I might just be repeating myself. And I feel like these kinda things get awkward or boring real quick.
Anyway, The Boxcar Cook was brought about by three things: My love for cooking, my love for storytelling, and my not so fond affection for an empty wallet.
The last one being the one that led to a lot of ingenuity when cooking. It all began as survival in college in a house that should have been condemned. There I learned to cook along with my roommates and out of our desperation came some pretty amazing meals.
Well some were amazing, some we probably just thought so because we were drunk. Either way that hunger – as hunger often does – sparked a passion. After I graduated and had a semblance of a livable wage, I started to venture further down the tracks of cooking. As I continue the journey, I thought I would share what I find to be some pretty innovative, affordable, and arguably delicious recipes.
So hop on the train and enjoy the ride as I share some stories and inspiration for some good food.