Pick 6 Poems: Origins

Why write poems about beer? Well, like poetry, brewing beer is an art form. And we’re lucky to live in the golden age of good beer. I also personally felt that the way we write about beer (at least with amatuer writers) has gotten stale. There are only so many ways to describe a beer. 


12 Pack Attack! Schlafly Hop Trial

I recently spent a weekend down in the boonies around St. Louis for a wedding. During my little adventure I had the luxury of visiting St. Louis proper and stopping at a few breweries. One of the better ones happened to be Schlafy. And it was here where my eye beheld the Hop Trial Smash

Pick 6: Door County & Co.

I was really excited about these 6. On a vacation up in Door County, I found a small little store that somehow stocked the biggest collection of bottles I’ve ever seen. It’s a ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ kinda lesson. The store was small, stranded out by itself on the highway. Speeding by

Pick 6! A Wild, yet tame bunch

I wanted something simple to sip on for an easy summer day. The six you see here offered just that. It was a nice mix of simple & exotic. Some were hits, others misses. 1. Sierra Nevada Nooner – German Pilsner I’m not a fan of pilsners. I blame it on America’s mass produced shitty beer.

12 Pack Attack! Sierra Nevada Beer Camp 2016

The beer camp across America is one of beauty. It’s a collaborative effort. A union between brewers to pursue the truest passion known to mankind – the love of beer. At a time when America needs it the most, 30 different regional breweries participated this year to help create 6 unique beers to represent this great